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30-09-2022 | read

On the occasion of “World Heart Day,” Medical Cell CC EOC organized a Specialty "Cardiac Checkup & Consultation Camp" in association with Kailash Hospital on 29th Sep 2022 at Parampara Hall, EOC-NTPC. The camp was inaugurated by Shri Dileep Kumar ED (FM) in the presence of Dr Sangita Risbood, CMO CC, Dr. (Prof) D. S. Gambhir, Group Director Cardiology, & Sr. Doctors of Kailash Hospital, Noida.

Dr. (Prof.) D.S. Gambhir also delivered an awareness Pep Talk on Cardiac Health & diseases. Free Consultation with a Cardiologist, Pulmonologist & Medicine was arranged.

In this Heath camp, Fibro scan, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Height & Weight, Uric Acid, Hb & HbA1C were also done. Total no. 160 patients availed the facility of the camp.

Corporate medical cell & PMI also organized a Webinar on the topic of “Heart Attack Myths and Realities” addressed by the speaker (Padma Shree Awardee) Dr. (Prof) D.S. Gambhir Group Director Cardiology Kailash hospital for Our employees, PRMs Employees and associates of all NTPC projects. 610 employees/ patients joined the Webinar and benefited.